Our Services

Core Services We Offer

Unsecured Loans

Not protected by a guarantor, and issues and supported by the borrower’s creditworthiness only, unsecured loans are approved without the use of property and other assets.

Secured Loans

A secured loan is where the borrower pledges some asset as collateral for the loan which acts as a secured debt owed to the creditor offering the loan.

General Insurance

General Insurance is a non-life insurance policy that acts as an insurance cover and provides a certain amount of money as payment in case of loss or damage of any automobile, home, or any expensive belongings.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance is a contract made between an insurance policy holder and an insurer where the latter promises to pay a certain amount of money to the designated beneficiary in exchange for a premium, in case the insured person dies.

Credit Card

Buy products without cash, all you need is a credit card. It is a payment card issued to users to offer a pre decided amount to pay a merchant for goods and services based on the cardholder’s commitment to pay the card issuer the amounts added with extra charges.

Utility Card

A card with basic simple effect is termed as utility card. It serves a singular basic evergreen function to provide ultimate convenience, flexibility, security and is ideal for making casual purchases at supermarkets and shops, and several others.

My Money Financial Services in Number

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